Schmidt and Cuisinella
Featured products: Samsung Space Enclosure | Industry: Retail | Client: Schmidt and Cuisinella
The Customer
The French brand Schmidt and Cuisinella are kitchen, bathroom and cupboard fitting services. They offer customers different rooms dressing. They perform many exhibitions in their 600MR stores.
Information and pricing in the store, are displayed on Samsung Galaxy tablets equipped with Compulocks tablet Enclosures.
Customers can consult all the figures of the models displayed in the store with detailed appliances and sanitary facilities.
The Challenge
The display in the store was previously done on paper with a plexiglass display and labels attached to the exhibits. The paper was peeling off, it didn't look clean in the exhibitions and the visual rendering of the layout exhibitions were not very decorative with all its elements glued and placed in the exhibition.
The Solution
Schmidt and Cuisinella purchased the Samsung Galaxy tablets with the Compulocks Enclosures to seal it securely on the wall. This made the information more visually pleasing, the display more modern and the entire setting more intuitive for the customer to engage with.
Customer Feedback
“I had very good contact with Amiel from the start of our business relationship, which began in October 2022. I equipped and ordered 45 shelves for the two Schmidt and Cuisinella stores.
To date I open a third store and being satisfied with the boxes and the service provided by Amiel I recommended 15 boxes to equip my new store”.
Dal 109,90 €
Al 179,80 €
Dal 99,95 €
Al 119,95 €
A partire da 99,95 €
Dal 109,90 €
Al 179,80 €
Dal 99,95 €
Al 119,95 €
A partire da 99,95 €
Dal 109,90 €
Al 179,80 €
Dal 99,95 €
Al 119,95 €
A partire da 99,95 €